Saturday, February 22, 2014

Call It What It Is -- Pollution

The country has had a tough winter. Bitter cold in places that never get cold. Heavy snow in spots that seldom see the white stuff. It has been a tough winter all over. But, that hasn’t stopped those that are pushing the global warming agenda from digging out all their ammunition to get every shot they can through every media outlet they can find to let people know that the reason for this horrendous weather is due to, well, global warming.

Maybe it is, and maybe it’s not, but over six in 10 people in a March Gallup poll said they don't think global warming will seriously threaten them during their lifetimes and when weather like we’ve had happens that number might just rise. 

The problem is when it’s freezing cold outside and someone is telling you the planet is warming it’s kind of like someone telling you pheasant numbers are down but you just happen to be hunting some of the best cover in the state. It’s tough to fathom at the time.

So, if I were the scientists, politicians and global warming ambassadors trying to spread the climate change message, I would keep my mouth tightly shut during times like these. Here’s why.

I believe certain people are swarming onto the global warming bandwagon because they see this issue as one that will scare people into realizing how much pollution we’re pumping into our atmosphere each year. If we believe we’re destroying the planet and will damage “the children” then we’ll get to alternative energy sources faster.

The problem with this bandwagon is when it gets stuck in a ten foot snow drift in sub-zero weather no one wants to be on it.

We need to call global warming what it is. Air pollution. Few would argue we pump too much pollution into the air through the things we need to power. But this problem cannot be solved by trying to make everyone feel guilty about making the planet’s temperature rise a few degrees over the next millennium. When the argument is positioned for an end result that is generations away, most people won’t care. That’s not a good solution to the problem.

And I’m sorry to all you alternative energy promoters out there. If we cover the entire planet in solar and wind generators it’s not enough to power even a small amount of what we need as a planet. Some day we’ll be crying the blues when our water is polluted with mercury from those light bulbs we were forced to use.

What’s the solution? Good question. Nuclear would work but too many in political power bow to the lobbies that would never want nuclear being used. Less energy consumption? There are a bunch of other countries ramping up their usage so conserving might make us feel good but have little impact as a whole.

I guess we just keep demonizing oil and gas and coal and someday when we can’t produce enough because old power plants will become obsolete with no replacements then we will be forced to shut down our energy using appliances.

I just hope that doesn’t happen during another winter like this one.

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