Thursday, November 21, 2013

Some Things Never Change

The Democrats are taking away our guns. 

The Republicans are destroying our environment. 

The politicians don’t give a damn about us outdoor enthusiasts and all they do is take our money and put it in places that don’t do me one speck of good.

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard one of these statements I could buy a couple of new Sport Utility Rifles (AR-15 models). I am a little worried the Democrats might confiscate them in the near future or I might not have any place to shoot them once the Republicans convince all the farmers to plant corn over all the wildlife habitat. I would have enough money left over to buy some ammunition. Oh wait, the government has bought up all the ammo and the shelves are empty. What the government hasn’t bought is being hoarded by the fatalists that think a revolution is on the horizon.

Have we hunters and anglers always lived this way? Paranoid about the powers-that-be encroaching on what we perceive as our liberties. Disgusted at the rate of natural resources that are disappearing, falling under the banner of creating more food and cheaper fuel. 

I remember 40 years ago my father cussing all the No-Hunting signs that were being posted on lands that he had access to in the past. Even then small farms were disappearing, getting consolidated with other farms and leased to the corporate farming enterprises that were expanding their reach.

As far back as the early 1800’s some states were trying to ban guns. In 1837 Georgia passed a law banning handguns which was found unconstitutional. 

The NRA was formed in 1871 with the primary goal of improving civilian marksmanship in preparation for war. Today the NRA doesn’t worry so much about civilian marksmanship as much as making sure civilians have guns to practice with.

In 1972 the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms was created. Some think Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms should be a convenience store and not a government agency, but it was thought this entity was needed to enforce the Gun Control Act of 1968 which regulates guns and gun dealers.

It was over 20 years ago that California banned “semi-automatic assault weapons” and over 30 years ago that the District of Columbia banned handguns.

From an anglers viewpoint the spread of exotic species has been an abomination when it comes to government programs. When a gun tragedy occurs legislators are screaming immediately for reforms. Docks are crawling with zebra mussels in lakes all over the country and you don’t hear a peep.

Some gang banger shoots another over drug turf and legislators point their fingers at me like I’m some kind of criminal because I am a gun owner. The same thing happens when an invasive plant species shows up in a lake, river or reservoir. Since I have a boat I’m the villain and the lawmakers want to put restrictions on me, the guy who is not shooting others and is cleaning his boat so not to spread invasive species. 

In fact, these exotic species should never have gotten here in the first place. Stringent regulations with huge fines for those in violation might have kept those asian carp from getting a foot-hold in this country. As far as gun control, you’ll never control violent crime by trying to talk sense to an inanimate object. Once legislators realize it’s all about people and not the guns then they will be a lot closer to solving the problems caused by drugs, alcohol and people that are just plain crazy. I also hope that our elected officials eventually realize that bringing land back to a state where it’s quality wildlife habitat is extremely difficult once it has had food crops planted on it. 

People tell me I have no reason to whine. I get to hunt and fish plenty and write the stories to share with others. It’s true. Life would be perfect if those dang Democrats weren’t trying to take my guns and the Republican weren’t destroying all my hunting spots. Whoops. It looks like I owe somebody a dime.

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